Browse articles and news for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to news, events and important initiatives related to environmental emergencies.
Browse articles and news for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to news, events and important initiatives related to environmental emergencies.
Supporting humanitarian donors in aligning greening practices & policies…
This report contains a preliminary analysis of the environmental impacts of the Kakhovka dam breach, which occurred in the early hours of 6 June 2023. It explores the environmental impacts of the breach through highlighting both potential impacts (those yet to be established) and measurable or observable changes. A detailed…
Dans sa Stratégie opérationnelle pour la résilience climatique et la durabilité environnementale 2022-2025, le HautCommissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) s’engage à améliorer la durabilité environnementale de sa chaîne d’approvisionnement de bout en bout, car l’ensemble de ses articles de premiers secours (« core relief items…
The partner survey conducted by the Joint Initiative for Sustainable Humanitarian Assistance Packaging Waste Management (JI) in April 2022 revealed that in many humanitarian contexts, management of waste from humanitarian assistance is left to local authorities and communities to handle and—in the absence of waste-management systems—ends up being buried or…
In 2019, Save the Children International (SCI) endorsed an Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Policy to support improved environmental performance, noting the centrality of the supply chain in this work. Since 2020, SCI has made considerable progress in making its supply chain more sustainable through the creation of a Supplier…
The multi-year project Strengthening Environmental Screening Capacity of Humanitarian Organizations, led by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), provides on-site training sessions – including Training of Trainers (ToT) – and technical support for local and international humanitarian organizations and…
The Environment and Emergencies Forum (EEF) is an inclusive global forum focused on the interface between the environment and humanitarian emergency response. It brings together stakeholders from around the world to showcase progress in…