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Dans sa Stratégie opérationnelle pour la résilience climatique et la durabilité environnementale 2022-2025, le HautCommissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) s’engage à améliorer la durabilité environnementale de sa chaîne d’approvisionnement de bout en bout, car l’ensemble de ses articles de premiers secours (« core relief items…

Guidelines for Packaging Waste Management in Humanitarian Operations


The partner survey conducted by the Joint Initiative for Sustainable Humanitarian Assistance Packaging Waste Management (JI) in April 2022 revealed that in many humanitarian contexts, management of waste from humanitarian assistance is left to local authorities and communities to handle and—in the absence of waste-management systems—ends up being buried or…

Promoting Sustainability through Supply Chains – Lessons from Humanitarian Organizations


In 2019, Save the Children International (SCI) endorsed an Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Policy to support improved environmental performance, noting the centrality of the supply chain in this work. Since 2020, SCI has made considerable progress in making its supply chain more sustainable through the creation of a Supplier…

Protection and the Environment


This report analyses the nexus between the protection of civilians and the environment in humanitarian operations. The study focused on examining the type of harms that come out of this nexus, as well as reviewing best guidance and practices existing in the field. Finally, it underlines how the protection sector…

Waste Not, Want Not


A growing number of people need humanitarian assistance (UNOCHA, 2020), which is intended to save lives, alleviate suffering and restore human dignity during and after manmade crises and disasters caused by natural hazards (Good Humanitarian Donorship, n.d.). At the same time, solid waste management (SWM) is a rising development challenge…

Bidibidi Refugee Settlement: Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations


The report presents the results of a September 2019 environmental scoping mission by the UN Environment Programme / OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). The Bidibidi Refugee Settlement is located in the West Nile Area of Uganda, and is home to over 270,000…

Joint Initiative for Greener Humanitarian Assistance


Co-created by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) with UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU), the first Joint Initiative began as the “Coordination of Assessments for Environment in Humanitarian Action” in 2017, supporting coordination between humanitarian and environmental actors to improve access to and use of environmental data. This evolved in…

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