
PAX for Peace – Living Under a Black Sky

Living under a black sky’ reveals how the conflict in Iraq has left a toxic trail of destruction which could have severe health consequences for communities and reconstruction efforts. Read More

Strategic Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (SAGEE) Past Reports

These reports detail the previous meetings of the Strategic Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (SAGEE) since 1995. Read More

UN Food and Agriculture Organization – Energy Needs in Humanitarian Settings

The work of the UN's Food and Agriculture organization in partnership with SAFE to provide clean energy in refugee settings. Read More

Cash Transfer Programming – Implications and Opportunities

Report by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit which explores how the expansion of cash-based humanitarian responses introduces new opportunities and issues in the interaction between humanitarianism and environment. Read More

WHO – Chemical Releases Caused by Natural Hazard Events and Disasters

Guidelines and information to planners in the health sector and to public health authorities seeking to learn more about chemical releases resulting from natural hazard events. Read More

OECD Report: Guidance on Change of Ownership in Hazardous Facilities

A concise document providing a framework to assist stakeholders to identify, understand and minimise the risks before, during and after a change of ownership at a hazardous facility. Read More

ICRAF (World Agroforestry) – Agroforestry with refugees in Uganda

This project aims to develop agroforestry models for tree products to meet the growing energy, construction and food needs of Ugandan refugees and locals. Read More

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