
Bidibidi Refugee Settlement: Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations

The report presents the results of a September 2019 environmental scoping mission by the UN Environment Programme / OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). The Bidibidi Refugee Settlement is located in the West Nile Area of Uganda, and is home to over 270,000… Read More

Activation of Working Group on Remote Environmental Analysis for Humanitarian Action

As part of its collaboration with the Joint Initiative (Coordination of Assessments for Environment in Humanitarian Action) project, the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit activated its pilot Working Group on Remote Environmental Analysis for Humanitarian Action in Somalia, where severe flooding has impacted the country and the neighbouring regions. Read More

UNEP Story: Tackling a hurricane’s trail of waste

This article by UN Environment provides a first-hand account of the challenges facing Dominica following a series of hurricanes which struck the region in December 2017. Dan Stothart, Regional Humanitarian Affairs Officer for UN Environment in Latin America and the Caribbean, flew to Carribean following the emergency. This story provides… Read More

Opinion: As Communities Rebuild After Disaster, We Must Keep Nature In Mind

This opinion piece by Ensia Voices describes the importance of integrating environmental concerns into rebuilding efforts following natural disasters. In her opinion piece on the environment and disasters, featured in the Ensia Voices section, Anita Van Breda writes about how protecting the environment needs to be a priority when… Read More

Environment and Emergencies Training (EET) – Slovenia

From 16 to 21 September 2017, Slovenia received an edition of the Environment and Emergencies Training (EET), organized jointly by the United Nations, the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), and the Slovenian Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, with financial support of… Read More

MSB Workshop – Disaster Waste Management

In March 2016, a three-day workshop on the topic of “disaster waste management generated during typhoons, earthquakes and conflicts” was organised by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in Sweden. The MSB stand-by roster personnel was the main target audience. Sweden experts shared experience in regards to disaster waste… Read More

COP20 – The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Urging the 20th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to “act now,” UN officials in Lima, Peru stressed that fully tackling the impacts of man-made climate change requires a transformation – not mere “tinkering” with past agreements and pledges. The Conference, which opened… Read More

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