
Environment and Humanitarian Action: Increasing Effectiveness, Sustainability and Accountability

A study about the integration of environmental considerations in humanitarian action and recommended action to improve its effectiveness, accountability, and sustainability. Read More

Heat, Light and Power for Refugee – Saving Lives, Reducing Costs

Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. Read More

IChemE – Loss Prevention Bulletin

The Loss Prevention Bulletin (LPB) provided by the Institute of Chemical Engineers, publishing bimonthly case studies sharing industry experience on industrial hazards and accidents. Read More

UN Environment – Case Study of the Nyarugusu Refugee Camp; Tanzania

A collaborative study on the true cost of using traditional fuels in a humanitarian setting, using a case study of the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania. Read More

The Sidelined Cross-Cutting Issue: Mainstreaming Environment into the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster

A masters thesis examining the the current state of environmental mainstreaming in humanitarian assistance with the aim to identify the main barriers hindering the systematic integration of environmental concerns. Read More

UN Environment Technical Note – Environmental Issues in Areas Retaken from ISIL

A technical note from a rapid scoping mission assessing the environmental issues in areas retaken from ISIL in Iraq. Read More

PAX for Peace – Living Under a Black Sky

Living under a black sky’ reveals how the conflict in Iraq has left a toxic trail of destruction which could have severe health consequences for communities and reconstruction efforts. Read More

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