

Contribute to EHA Connect

EHA Connect is an online platform developed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit which works to strengthen the links between humanitarian and environmental spheres.

The platform allows environmental actors to get involved in disaster management activities and provides an opportunity for humanitarian actors to mainstream environmental concerns in preparedness, response and recovery. EHA Connect is the first comprehensive online repository of resources, guidelines and tools concerning environment in humanitarian action and was produced as part of the Coordination of Assessments of Environment in Humanitarian Action Initiative


EHA Connect can be navigated in two ways; either by using the search function to explore topics, or by browsing through the content. The content structured around the humanitarian programme cycle is presented in two sections:

  1. Environmental Preparedness for disaster response
  2. Response and Recovery with separated guidance for sudden onset and protracted crises

The user can also explore the content by categories: humanitarian “clusters” or key thematic areas such as gender or debris and disaster waste.

EHA Connect supports the building of networks and partnerships in the rapidly evolving disaster response and environment fields. Through the website users gain access to key resources and training materials on environmental issues in a humanitarian context.

We invite you to contribute to EHA Connect and to improve the tool by keeping it up to date with the latest tools and resources. Please send your resources, comments and suggestions to the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU):

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