
UNEP Story – Curbing Pollution from extractive industries

This article by UN Environment details the adverse effects of extractive industries by using mining accidents in Brazil and Papua New Guinea as case studies. The article explores how both communities experienced the worst mining disasters in their countries. It highlights the need for integration of local communities in the… Read More

Joint #Envconflictday Statement: Protecting the Environment, Protecting People

On 6 November 2017, 31 NGOs and 12 experts joined forces and used the United Nations’ International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict as an opportunity to advocate for greater progress in efforts to protect people and the environment from the impact of… Read More

JEU & MSB Workshop – Call for action for better disaster waste management

This workshop hosted by the UNEP/OCHA Joint Unit and MSB called for greater action regarding disaster waste management. Disaster waste presents a major impediment to rescue operations and the delivery of humanitarian aid. It poses a risk not only to the health and safety of humans, but also to the… Read More

Environmental Emergencies Preparedness and FEAT Training – Tbilisi, Georgia

In late November 2015, the UNEP/OCHA Joint Unit delivered a three-day training on Environmental Emergencies Preparedness and the Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT) in Tbilisi, Georgia on 24-26 November 2015. The training saw participation of 30 representatives of the Emergency Management Agency, Ministries of Environment and Natural Resources… Read More

Bento Rodrigues Mining Dam Collapse – Brazil

On 5 November 2015, two iron ore tailing dams collapsed in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, spilling liquid waste into the town of Bento Rodrigues. Nine people were killed and thousands have been affected. Bento Rodrigues is located in southeastern Brazil, with a population of 620. The town hosts an iron… Read More

UNDP & Disaster Waste Recovery (DWR) Emergency Waste assessment – Yemen

During July and August 2015, the Disaster Waste Recovery (DWR) carried out an in-depth Emergency Waste Assessment in six governorates of Yemen in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Due to shelling and street-level fighting, it was impossible for DWR to deploy experts directly to affected areas. Read More

UNECE – Oil Spill Project Moldova, Romania and Ukraine

For the first time, on 24 March 2015, the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine tested how the three countries would jointly cooperate to respond to an industrial accident with possible transboundary consequences, such as an oil spill that might reach the Danube Delta. The Danube river is shared… Read More

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