This mission report by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) describes a Rapid Disaster Waste Management Assessment which took place in Ghana after a flash flooding emergency.
Through its network, the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit mobilized a waste management expert from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), following an official request by the Ghanaian authorities to the UN Resident Coordinator. The flooding caused the discharge of massive amounts of waste during a short period of time in affected areas. It also caused hygienic pollution from sewage polluted water in the inundated areas.
The mission concluded that Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) measures needed to be taken in order to reduce the flood risk and effects on waste management. With the support of the UN system, the Government of Ghana has developed a five-year National Plan of Action on DRR. The plan deals with both natural and man-made hazards.
Consult the mission report here.