
The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) works to promote shared responsibilities in relation to importation of hazardous chemicals, specifically persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The convention regulates the movements of POPs and provides emergency assistance to member States to estimate damages that have or may occur. The Convention also… Read More

The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in international trade

The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in international trade regulates the transboundary movements of hazardous waste chemicals, specifically pesticides. Parties to the Convention can request emergency assistance from the Secretariat in order to estimate the magnitude of damage occurred or damage… Read More

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

The Organisation for the Prohibition of chemical Weapons (OPCW) is an international organization working to implement the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention. With its 193 Member States, the OPCW oversees the global endeavor to permanently and veritably eliminate chemical weapons. Their key priority areas are protection, assistance and facilitating… Read More

UNEP Story – Curbing Pollution from extractive industries

This article by UN Environment details the adverse effects of extractive industries by using mining accidents in Brazil and Papua New Guinea as case studies. The article explores how both communities experienced the worst mining disasters in their countries. It highlights the need for integration of local communities in the… Read More

UNECE – Oil Spill Project Moldova, Romania and Ukraine

For the first time, on 24 March 2015, the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine tested how the three countries would jointly cooperate to respond to an industrial accident with possible transboundary consequences, such as an oil spill that might reach the Danube Delta. The Danube river is shared… Read More

The Institution of Chemical Engineers – Loss Prevention Bulletin (Special Edition)

The Conference of the Parties to the UN Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents opened in Geneva on 3rd December 2014 and ended on December 5th. The start of the meeting coincided with the 30th anniversary of the largest chemical accident in human… Read More

EU TWIST Exercise – Featuring the FEAT Tool

The EU TWIST (Tidal Wave in Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) was an exercise held by the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism which featured the Flash Environmental Assessment Tool+ (FEAT+) methodology. The exercise was held in Salerno, Italy from 24-27 October in 2013. The exercise brought together 24 participants from… Read More

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